The first Indian synchrotron source Indus-1, a 450 MeV electron storage ring,
was commissioned in early 1999. It provides a broad electromagnetic spectrum extending from far
infrared to soft x-ray region. It has opened up a possibility to carry out research activity using the soft x-ray/ vacuum ultraviolet radiation (10Å < λ < 1000Å) in India.
This wavelength band covers many absorption thresholds of various elements. In addition, due to
its shorter wavelength it posses great capability to explore physical structure with much better
resolution than that offered by the visible light.more ...
Following is the list of available Beamlines in Indus-1, to carry out experiments:
BL-4 Reflectivity
BL-5 Photophysics
BL-6 Infrared
Indus-2, a 2.5 GeV synchrotron radiation source, is a booster cum storage ring. Electrons are injected into it at 550 MeV and accelerated to 2.5 GeV where the beam is kept stored for several hours. Because of its higher energy and capability of accommodating insertion devices, it has more number of magnets and larger circumference compared to Indus-1. Indus-2 storage ring with circumference of 172.47 m has 16 bending magnets, 72 quadrupole magnets and 32 sextupole magnets. These magnets are arranged in a periodic fashion forming 8 unit cells of an expanded Chasman Green lattice.more ...
Following is the list of available Beamlines in Indus-2, to carry out experiments: